Despite being in the waiting zone while we gather all out test results one thing is clear, my veins have decided to stop giving blood. On Tuesday, I went to two pathology clinics so they could collect 9 vials of blood. I came prepared as I had drunk a litre of water prior to arriving as I know my veins can sometimes give them a bit of grief.
Unfortunately, they couldn’t get one vial of blood let alone none. The first clinic I went to tried to put a needle in my left arm. Unfortunately, my vein went into hiding so they tried again on the same arm. Still no good. I now have a massive bruise on the inside of my left arm where they tried to get my blood. You can see a close up of it below.
The clinician then requested that I go to another clinic as they have 5 more staff on hand who could help me. So back into the waiting line I went. Another 750ml of water was consumed which only had the effect of making me want to pee. To add insult to injury, they missed my number so I had to go up to the counter to get my rightful place in line. Anyway, the clinician could not find a vein on my right arm or wrist and so called for reinforcements. So another clinician came in to help. Since no vein was forthcoming, I had to run my hand under hot water in the hope of enticing my vein come out to play. Two attempts later and no blood – actually one flashback but that was it. So on their advice I was told to come back another day making sure I had drunk lots of water (like I hadn’t already) and also make sure I was warm (its the middle of winter).
So I now have to go back to the clinic so they can try and get some blood out of me. Yikes – judging by the bruise on my arm I am not very keen. Even worse when they told me to leave I just started crying. I know its not my fault if they can’t get my blood but it was just one more thing in the already frustrating journey of IVF.
If they can’t get one vial how are they doing to get nine vials. How are they going to go about even more vials later on when they need to test my hormone levels when I start my next cycle.
Why do they even need 9 vials? Firstly by law you are required to have HIV, Hep B and Hep C tests every couple of years when you do IVF. This probably helps them monitor their standards since you have a hell of a lot of blood tests when doing IVF. Goodness, they wouldn’t want me to have an infection from them. The other tests are:
- Anti DNA
- Protein C&S
- Anti Thrombin
- Lupus Anticoagulant
- Coag Screen
Goodness knows what these all mean. However, I am required to fast for one of the tests so coming back later in the day when it is warmer is not ideal – I love my food and breakfast is my most favourite meal of the day. My next appointment with my Doctor is 6 weeks away as he is going to a fertility conference in Italy. So it looks like I will be taking a long enforced break.
I want to wish you good luck on this double digit attempt at IVF. I have only tried one and unfortunately, unsuccessful. We have tried 4 IUI’s and we will do one more. Then for us, that’s it. The cost for IVF is horrible here in BC, Canada and nothing is covered by our provincial medical insurance – yet, as my mom would say, they pay for abortions?!?! anyway, good luck.