Yesterday’s egg collection yielded 17 eggs – 16 of which were mature enough to commence the delicate micro-injection process for fertilisation.
This egg retrieval was pretty unremarkable. Out of six stimulated cycles, this is one of the cycles where I have had slightly less eggs. That is what it is like with IVF, the results can be pretty unpredictable every time. I had been hoping that the eggs would be of better quality this time around but I have just heard from my nurse and of those 16, only 11 fertilised. So I will now be in the waiting zone – looking forward to hearing how many are left on Monday on Day 4 and then on Tuesday for Embryo Transfer. I am not a big fan of waiting over the weekend to hear how our little embies are faring. So it becomes a little mini waiting game – a prelude to the main wait once the embryos are transferred.
This time we have nominated to have 2 embryos transferred. Most stimulated cycles we only have one but we thought that if two were available, then we might as well put them both in. That way we’ll know one way or another if one or both have been successful. Other than that, I am resting up and drinking plenty of fluids to try and avoid some of the main unpleasant side effects of IVF. I am still bloated. My stomach is still sore so it hurts me when I walk and also when I laugh! Bring on the panadol! This time, my throat is also sore and I believe that this is a side effect of anaesthetic.
So next steps:
- Find out when (and if) the transfer will happen next Tuesday.
- Book acupuncture appointment
Wish me luck. Good luck to any of those brave ladies who is also having treatment at this time.
this is my 2nd ivf attempt and we went through our transfer today with 2 – 5 day embries. I don’t what to expect since we didn’t get this far the first time. I wish you much luck in your journey!
Thanks Angie. All the best for you too – hopefully you wont have to have as many goes as me.