Well another day, another transfer. I am now up to cycle number 11. I thought it would never happen to me but it has. I can’t believe I am up in the double digits now. I don’t have a good feeling about this one either.
I have a feeling that I ovulated a day later than what my clinic thinks I did. I noticed a stronger LH surge on my ovulation test strip a day after my blood test at the clinic. Which means I think the clinic has put a Day 5 embryo, four days after ovulation instead of 5. Somehow I do not think this is a good thing. Next time I am going to insist on having a trigger injection so at least the clinic can be sure of when I am ovulating.
On top of that when I went to the clinic and spoke to the Embryologist, the scientist told me that the Embryo survived the thaw but was only 80% okay. Apparently this is not a bad thing as the cells are amazing in rejuvenating themselves and the clinic sets a limit on what is and isn’t acceptable. After 10 cycles, it was the first I had heard of it.
My next piece of evidence is that I don’t think the clinic tests the lining of my uterus. They must evaluate when they do they transfer but I can’t say I have ever seen them measuring the lining. In talking with a friend of mine who got pregnant after her second attempt at IVF, she tells me that she had a different protocol. They measure her lining before they proceed with the transfer and they don’t give her a blood test! All I ever seem to have are blood tests. The clinician at my last test was unable to find a decent vein (mine have gone into hising now) and left me in the seat while she went for help to find it. Trouble is she left me with with a strap on my arm for nearly 10 minutes – apparently that is not a good thing and makes the veins even harder to find.
And don’t let me get started about the blood test I had before that. This was just a simple little test for lupus etc which I have had before but they thought they might just do again. I think they extracted eight vials of blood that day and I recently received a letter informing me that they were unable to get any results from my blood and I have to go in again so they can redo the test.
One might think after reading this blog that I am over IVF. I think I nearly am. I think I might do one more stimulated cycle before giving myself a well deserved break.
If you think you need a break, you should definitely take it. I don’t know whether you mean 1 month or a few, but I wonder whether you might want to use this time to interview other specialists. It sounds like you aren’t happy where you are right now. I’m sure you would benefit from comparing the clinic you are at with others. Either you will find one you trust more, or you will have your original trust in them confirmed. Either way, you will be able to go forward with more hope, optimism and peace of mind.
Hi there,
I just came across your blog, so I decided to follow it. I have been TTC for 4 years, did 10 IUIs, and now I am on my 3rd IVF. IVF did get recommended to me earlier than when we started trying it, but the finances frightened us as we are now out of pocket for paying for it. I can’t imagine having done 11! I hope you get your break in one way or another soon
– Jess
Thanks Jess – I hope to get a break soon too although now I am 40 I can’t see myself having much of a break. The finances are frightening. I wish oyu every success on your third. I am following your blog too (I am the lady with the hat!).
Thanks Lisa. I think I will only take a month off. As I am now 40, I feel like my biological clock is ticking loudly. I am planning on discussing my options with my doctor and in the interim may also find about a couple of other clinics.