In an earlier blog, I highlighted that prospective parents planning to do IVF must undergo police records before commencing treatment. I mentioned that I thought the laws were very biased. It seems I am not alone in my views.
What’s worse is that now that the new laws have come into effect, according to my IVF nurse there is apparently a 10 week waiting period before the people who have requested Police Record Checks will get them. Seems that while the government has made these laws they have not accounted for extra people to process higher levels of demand.
Fortunately, because of this backlog myself and other women planning to undergo will still be able to do treatment despite not having a police record check. That is a huge relief as it would mean that I would not be able to start treatment until mid November.
There has been comprehensive news coverage about this. For more information, see the article in The Age on IVF.
Most Victorians, the writer included, would support initiatives to protect at risk Children and therefore some suggestions may be helpful. Basic Internet research identified that Australian Politicians and Beauracrats may pose considerably more risk to their children than IVF couples. To support this proposition the following are listed:
Milton Orkopoulos , 2008 NSW Labour 13 years detention, 28 Child Sex Offences
Keith Wright, 1993 Qld Labour, 11 years, Child Sex Offences
Bill D’arcy, 2000, Qld Labour, 11 years, Child Sex Offences
Terry Martin, 2009, Tasmania, Court hearing in progress, Child Porn
Willian Stuart Brown, 2000, Ausaid/Australian Embassy Jakarta Child sex offences
Peter Hollingworth allowed a known Paedophile priest to continue working, whilst Archbishop of Brisbane – latter resigned as Governor General as a result of the scandal.
In view of this, it is fair for the population to demand that:
1) The Police Clearance and working with children requirements for IVF patients be removed, or that this requirement be introduced for all Victorians of reproductive age.
2) Politicians should subject themselves to special scrutiny and police clearances before being allowed to have children on the basis that there appears to be considerable more risk of children being abused by politicians than IVF parents.
I agonized over releasing this comment because it actually names real peoples names. It is not for me to judge whether these people are guilty or innocent – some have been convicted and others are going through trial. However, I feel that the view that people who are undergoing IVF should not be discriminated against is a fair one. There is no evidence that couples undergoing IVF pose a greater risk to society. The law is discriminatory.